Addio agli afidi: la soluzione a costo zero è in giardino! Un pesticida molto potenteIn questo articolo vi mostrerò una soluzione ideale per eliminare per sempre gli afidi.

Aphids are one of the most invasive pests that feed on the sap of the stems and leaves of your plants. This tiny insect can sicken your vegetables and even kill them. They come in various types: black, green, yellow, white, and red. Discover all the natural remedies against these insects, and above all, the ultimate solution to get rid of them.

The natural remedy against aphids
There are specific products on the market to eliminate aphids. However, you can try natural solutions. They will help you get rid of this pest and regain the health of your plants.

Garlic is the most commonly used natural solution to effectively eliminate black, green, and white aphids. Thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it is one of the best natural insecticides. Not only does it help fight parasites, but it also prevents them and combats bacterial and fungal infections.

To use this natural remedy, prepare 4 or 5 cloves of garlic to cut them into pieces and crush them in a liter of water. Put everything in a saucepan covered with a cotton cloth to macerate for 24 hours. After this time, bring to a boil and let it rest. Remove the saucepan from the heat, let it cool, and strain the infusion. Put the liquid in a spray bottle and spray it on your plants to kill aphids.

The ultimate solution against these parasites
One of the best solutions against these insects is tomato macerate. To prepare it, use tomato leftovers that you haven’t used. You can use leaves, skin, stems, and twigs.

Take a container and put the tomato components in it with a little water. For this, you need 400 grams of waste per 1 liter of water. Let the tomato waste sit for about 5 or 6 days. Then, chop it up and strain it. Transfer the resulting solution to a spray bottle. Use the tomato macerate to water your plants during the coolest hours of the day. This natural remedy will neutralize the aphids on your plants.